New to Fairly Organised Chaos 2022

New to Fairly Organised Chaos in 2022 – Finding Joy in Planning Again

What Happened To 2021?

Somehow we are less than 3 weeks away from 2022, it has almost felt like another blink and you’ll miss it kind of a year but at the same time so much has happened!

Obviously we are still manoeuvring our way through a Global pandemic with absolutely no sign of that slowing down anytime soon, but on top of that, personally it has been a pretty huge year, as we moved into a first house at the beginning of the year and my eldest started school in September!

With all of these huge changes, you’d think I would have embraced my love of planning, but truthfully I found the need to make it pretty overwhelming to the point where I just felt paralysed in my business and in my life, so I did nothing.

word of 2022 | New to Fairly Organised Chaos in 2022 - Finding Joy in Planning Again | Fairly Organised Chaos

Word Of The Year

Due to this I have decided to make my word of 2022 Joy

And while I am however many years late to the Marie Kondo vibe (is it 3 years?!) I’m just going to focus on the parts that bring me joy:

  • making a messy list I can tick off
  • designing a beautiful sticker kit and actually using it – just for me
  • sharing those messy mental health days
  • releasing the pressure to ‘do’ everything
  • practising gratitude to focus on the positive

What To Expect

So with this in mind, what can you expect from Fairly Organised Chaos in 2022?

Printables, Printables and More Printables!

I started Fairly Organised Chaos creating Printables, and in the last few years have definitely suffered from Shiny Object Syndrome, and wanting to try out everything that pops into my head.

You know the saying ‘try to please everyone and you will please no-one’ and that is pretty much what I have been doing, so I am well and truly going back to my roots and focusing mainly on Printables again.

For 2022 my plan is to actually use my own kits! Crazy I know, but I have a horrible tendency to design them and then rarely get around to using them – so this year I am going to work my way through my kits and give them all a little love!

So you can expect lots of pretty but functional spreads, I think I’m going to be using the Skinny Minimal Inserts as I really love the layout and also the versatility to do either WO2P or WO4P depending on the kit or how busy the week is.

As far as items in the shop, I aim to focus on Printables for 2022 and plan to have 1 kit release a month, and then lots of functional items, more scripts icons, dashboards and inserts coming your way.

No More Physical Items?

Currently I will be keeping Mugs as I feel Mugs and Planning compliment each other beautifully.

I have an idea brewing in the back of my mind for a Mega Quarterly Surprise Box, which could include loads of exclusive items such as a Printed Sticker Kit, Samplers and/or Mini Sheets or Kits from other amazing Planner Shops, A Mug or Pouch and Washi.

But that is very much just a thought at the moment – if you think that is a good idea, please let me know and I will look more into making that a reality.

Here’s To Joy

So here’s to 2022 and focusing on the things that bring us joy, doing the things we want to do just for ourselves rather than because it is what we think we should do

I would love to hear what your plans for 2022 are – are you letting go of anything in favour of things that make you happier?

Wishing you Happy Planning now and always,


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