I first discovered the Planning Community back in 2015 and I was immediately hooked! I was that person at School that colour coded their planner so that each subject had a different colour and would spend ages making pretty timetables for myself. So when I found Planning and Planning with Stickers Community I knew I had found my people and with that I dived straight into watching all of the wonderful You Tube Channels out there. Then I hit a slight snag … the cost!  Especially being in the UK the cost of shipping and customs alone (as the majority of the sticker shops at the time and of course Erin Condren and the like are all based in the USA). I started playing around with making and designing my own stickers and cutting them with the Cricut, I also made my own Planner because I am a Crafter at heart, just to see if I would actually like doing it myself before forking out hundreds of pounds. Planning to me is much more than placing pretty stickers into a well organised planner, to me it is an expression of myself and my own creativity, sort an extension of myself really. I then decided to open up an Etsy shop and put a few designs up in 2016, but then became Pregnant and it got pushed down my priority list. Shocker really, but my girls are my world and when I am not looking after them I am either thinking about or making stickers. Fast Forward to my 2018 and I got a Silhouette for my birthday, and I got the bug again! So I started designing whole kits (rather than just a few full boxes), changed my shop name and Fairly Organised Chaos was born! To keep up to date for all my designs and goings on at Fairly Organised Chaos, make sure you check out the blog section of my website.



You can view our full range of downloadable printables and pre printed sticker kits here. Keep It Simple Instagram | About | Fairly Organised Chaos washi bundle 1 | About | Fairly Organised Chaos


You can view our range of planner stationery here including our own branded washi tape.


You can view our full range of planner apparel here including matching sticker and clothing packs e.g. Bake Off….we love Bake Off here. Star Baker White Hoodie | About | Fairly Organised Chaos


You will find something for every occasion in our store.